Tomorrow.  That was when Katie* would go in for her abortion, but now she wasn’t sure if that was really what she wanted.  She had been browsing the internet for information on the procedure. She didn’t know what to expect, and wanted to know more before she made the long drive to the clinic.

She needed answers, so she went back online.

She found the phone number for something called Pregnancy Decision Line; where she could have a conversation with someone about her pregnancy. Feeling isolated by the pandemic lockdowns and unsure about her appointment, Katie decided to give them a call.

And she was not disappointed.

Katie found herself in a meaningful conversation with a kind and respectful life-affirming coach. After hearing her story, her coach told her about a nearby pregnancy center offering realistic alternatives to abortion including material support, spiritual support, and information about adoption or keeping her baby. 

After a long conversation about spiritual things, the hotline coach did something Katie was not prepared for. She asked if it would be okay to pray for her right there over the phone. Her entire conversation with her coach was a stark contrast to the cold attitude of the receptionist who scheduled her abortion days ago. Her coach listened to her concerns and obviously cared about her and her baby.

When the call was over, Katie was even more convinced she would regret having an abortion and was strongly considering cancelling her abortion appointment… 

All across the country, thousands of women find themselves at a crossroads. On one path is the gift of life that can lead to years of peace and healing, and on the other is a path of death with a lifetime of regret and pain. Thanks to your donations, women like Katie are discovering they have options, and don’t have to take the road many in our culture pressure them to take.

Please join us in prayer for women like Katie to find a refuge in Care Net’s hotline, pregnancy centers and network of churches where they can receive the compassion, hope, and help they need to choose life. 

Thank you so much for all you do!

*client named changed