
When she learned she was pregnant, Timna* decided to have an abortion.

She made her appointment and was ready to follow through on her plan. . . But things didn’t go according to plan at the clinic.

“I have four kids at home,” the nurse told her. “Each day, they have something to eat and clothes on their backs. Yes, it’s a challenge, but you can do it if I can!” The nurse then turned Timna back around and sent her home.

When Timna called Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL) afterwards, she opened up to the PDL coach, she admitted that she was still fighting depression and profound guilt from a previous abortion. Over the course of several weeks, Timna shared her fears with the coach about the impact a baby could have on her job, her health, and her marriage.

Still unsure about what to do, she went back to the abortion clinic.

But she had an appointment with the same nurse! And that same nurse turned her back around and sent her home a second time.

Still lacking peace, Timna kept speaking to the PDL coach. She was terrified that she would be a horrible mother. But, because of the unlikely interventions by an abortion clinic nurse, the coach had the opportunity to offer Timna the emotional and spiritual support she needed.

With the combined influence of these two, Timna miraculously CHOSE LIFE


This also gave the baby’s father time to embrace the life he had helped create and support the mother of his child. He found new strength, declaring, “God has given us a second chance.”

When parents considering abortion contact PDL, they find a safe and non-judgmental place to share their feelings and receive a vital message of truth and hope.

Eighty percent of those who call PDL are actively considering or seeking abortions. And of those callers, 22% are going to choose LIFE after just one interaction with a trained PDL coach.

This is the work you make possible.

From PDL, parents can receive referrals to local pregnancy centers and receive ongoing support and encouragement””sometimes even free ultrasounds””to CHOOSE LIFE. Through PDL and our network of over 1,100 affiliated pregnancy centers, over 462,000 lives have been saved over the past seven years alone.

PDL is a critical outreach to women and considering abortion, and””after being unable to answer a staggering number of calls in 2015″”we stepped out in faith to expand PDL’s capacity to reach more vulnerable women.

But we need your help immediately.

We need to raise $473,000  by June 30th to sustain this expanded capacity. When every missed call could mean a child’s life, we can’t afford to lose ground!

Please share a generous tax-deductible gift today, and thank you in advance for your valued participation in this life-changing, life-saving ministry!

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