Every time you encounter someone facing a difficult pregnancy decision, you have the opportunity to retell the Greatest Story ever told!
Think about it – our Christian faith started with what, from a human perspective, was an unplanned pregnancy. But in order to prevent Mary’s “unplanned” pregnancy from becoming a crisis pregnancy, God did two things – he sent an angel to Mary, and then he sent an angel to Joseph. Mary and Joseph both obeyed God’s call to be mother and father to Jesus and wife and husband to each other. Thus we have the first Christmas”¦ Christ’s life, death, and resurrection”¦ and our salvation!
But have you thought about how that story, that “Nativity Narrative,” applies to the work of Care Net’s pregnancy centers? The work of our growing network of partner churches? In your own life ministering to women and men stuck in one of life’s hard places?
We all have the opportunity to inspire a mother to be brave like Mary and choose life for her unborn child. The opportunity to encourage a father to be a bold protector like Joseph and choose life for his unborn child. The opportunity to share God’s message of hope so that both of them become followers of Jesus Christ and choose Abundant Life for their family.
Through your partnership with Care Net, you are part of this Pro Abundant Life movement too – whether you contribute financially to our work, pray for us, volunteer at one of our centers, lead a Making Life Disciples group at your church, or engage another way. You are helping reach so many with life saving, life-changing message of the Gospel.
And all we have to do is look at the story of the first Christmas, right there in the first chapter of the first book of the New Testament, to find the model we need to follow and share with others.
I don’t know about you, but that thought makes Christmas even more special for me. I hope it does for you, too. May you and yours have a blessed Christmas!
Blessings to you,
Roland C. Warren
Care Net President & CEO