Watch the newest episode of The Doctor Is In with Roland Warren, President and CEO of CareNet and Dr. William Lile, The ProLife Doc, board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist.

Watch the Video: The Doctor Is In: Defending Life


Patienthood and Personhood in the Abortion Debate

The Church is Key

Warren: Abortion is violation of the great commandment and the great commission. It’s incompatible to support abortion and to say that you’re a follower of Christ because we’re all as followers of Christ called to live out the great commandment, to fulfill the great commission.

What is a patient?

Lile: A patient by definition is an individual that is receiving health care. And from the moment of conception, when one egg and one sperm unite together, that one cell is genetically unique from the mom, genetically unique from the dad, genetically from the other 8 billion people on the planet.

This is a Spiritual Battle

Lile: This is not a choice of whether you like Pepsi or Coke. This is a spiritual battle. At its core foundation, abortion is an attack on the image of God. Genesis 1:26 says, we’re created in the image of God and we’re not creating the image of God on our birthdays. We’re created the image of God at that moment of conception.

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