And Broke the Cycle of Abortion

This was not an unfamiliar situation. But when Tamika’s pregnancy test was positive, she didn’t know what to do. She was so tired and confused. She already had several kids and had been pregnant multiple times in the last few years. With each pregnancy, she chose abortion because she couldn’t see any other way to keep her other kids fed and clothed. 

But each abortion was more traumatic than the last…

leaving her anxious and depressed at the idea of another one. She couldn’t see another way forward, but she felt conflicted this time in a way she hadn’t before. 

After her last abortion, Tamika had vowed to herself that she would never do it again. Each abortion devastated her, and she never really understood how she chose it every time. 

Tamika believed in God but didn’t really have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. She wasn’t sure God cared about her or her situation and had no church community. Without additional support from her family, she’d need her baby’s father to partner with her.

You spoke LIFE for an unborn baby

When she shared about her pregnancy, he pressured her to have another abortion instead. 

After all, she’d done it before, hadn’t she? Once again, she found herself standing at the crossroads. 

Tamika felt so alone.  She confided in one of her coworkers about her situation. Thank God, the coworker referred her to the Pregnancy Decision Line, Care Net’s national hotline. Tamika decided to give them a call.  

Explaining her whole story to the coach. Tamika was so relieved to find someone who wanted to help her find a practical solution other than abortion. Her coach was so compassionate and encouraged her to visit her local pregnancy center, where she could receive the resources and help that she needed.  Still, even after praying with her coach at the end of the call, Tamika was still on the fence about whether or not to keep her abortion appointment. 

Three weeks later, Tamika’s  coach hadn’t been able to reconnect with her. Then suddenly, she called back. She had canceled her abortion appointment and was keeping the baby! Her coach was praising God and so excited for her.   

Your prayers and generosity make such a difference in the lives of moms like Tamika. Your support ensures that Pregnancy Decision Line coaches are on the phones doing what they do best -saving lives one call at a time. Praise God!