Women who had an abortion were twice as likely to attempt suicide compared to their peers, according to new research.
The study, published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology in January, was authored by David Reardon, director of the Elliot Institute and an associate scholar with the Charlotte Lozier Institute.
Reardon, who noted how previous studies have connected abortion to an elevated risk of suicide, aimed to challenge a widely held assumption within the pro-choice community that attributes the link between abortion and suicide solely to preexisting mental health conditions, viewing it as entirely incidental.
The new study implemented a topic blind survey—where participants are not told the specific topic or purpose in advance. The survey was distributed to 2,829 American females, 41–45 years of age, who were asked about any history of attempted suicide(s) and reproductive histories.
The research revealed that 34.7 percent of women with a history of abortion had attempted suicide, while women who had live births (and no history of abortion, pregnancy loss, or problematic pregnancies) had the lowest rate of attempted suicide (17.1%). Abortion, especially when it is contrary to the values and preferences of the pregnant women, may contribute to higher rates of suicide attempts, the study found.
Notably, the highest rate of attempted suicide (46.2%) was reported by women who felt coerced into an abortion that was in opposition to their own values and preferences. Conversely, the rate of attempted suicide among women whose abortions were wanted and consistent with their values and preferences (29.5%) was similar to that of women who reported a pregnancy loss and had no history of abortion (30.0%).
The study also observed an increased risk of suicide among women who had experienced a miscarriage, though the association was less pronounced than that observed with abortion. Women who had given birth did not show a significant increase in suicide risk compared to those who had not experienced childbirth.
Despite the compelling data, the study acknowledges that the observed associations do not necessarily imply causation: “Recognition of causal connections does not require irrefutable proof that there is a single cause for each effect. Indeed, multiple causes for each effect are common, especially in human psychology…”
Yet, “it is reasonable to conclude that at least some women experience abortion as a stressful event that may trigger, compound, complicate, or otherwise exacerbate suicidal risk.”
Of special interest to pro-life advocates, the author of the study noted that findings should be used to improve both pre-abortion screening and counseling and post-abortion care. These compassionate acts are at the heart of Care Net’s ministry through its Pregnancy Decision Line, network of 1,200 pregnancy resource centers, and post-abortion resources for women and men.
Thousands of women have found grace, peace, and wholeness through a Care Net resource, Forgiven And Set Free: A Bible Study for Women Seeking Healing After Abortion. The Bible study, written in 1986 by Linda Cochrane and updated in 2022, enables women to bring their emotional scars “out of the dark past and into His holy light where true and lasting healing can take place.” Care Net also offers the Reclaiming Fatherhood Bible study for men.
“Forgiven and Set Free changed my life,” said one Bible study participant.
Another woman said, “You can share your heart. This group is a sisterhood where you can trust, and share those parts of your lives that you have kept so hidden. In sharing them, you can find the healing you need.”
Jill Marquis, Care Net’s Director of Abortion Recovery and Care, said the healing process is transformative.
“Jesus endured incredible physical pain on the cross,” she said. “One of the beautiful things about His forgiveness is that He turns that pain into beauty. He takes those ashes of our lives and turns it into beauty. And when we tell our stories to other people, we get to see Christ in action.”
Regarding the new study linking abortion and suicide, Dr. Ingrid Skop, an OB-GYN who serves as vice president and director of medical affairs at Charlotte Lozier Institute, told the Christian Post that this new data must “motivate the pro-life community to continue to provide resources and support to vulnerable women encountering a crisis pregnancy.”
“We must walk with these women through their pregnancy decision and childbirth, even into the early years of their child’s life, as many pregnancy resource centers do,” she said.
Let this new study by David Reardon indeed serve as a wake-up call to the Christian community. Let us support local pregnancy centers and reach out more fervently with the love and compassion of Christ to those facing pregnancy decisions and to those who are suffering from the pain and regret of abortion. It could save a life.