Angry and overwhelmed, Kayla* had an abortion already scheduled. With no idea how she could possibly handle a baby during such a difficult season in her life, abortion seemed like the only way forward.

The father of Kayla’s baby was not at all supportive of her pregnancy, and was pressuring Kayla to have an abortion. She couldn’t bear the thought of bringing a child into their broken relationship.

Her boyfriend became verbally abusive when he found out she was pregnant, and he threatened to leave her if she didn’t have an abortion. How could she raise a baby all on her own? She needed his financial support, even if she received nothing else from him. The situation felt impossible. So reluctantly Kayla made an appointment at the abortion clinic.

The day of the abortion, Kayla was convicted. The Holy Spirit was pricking at her heart to find another way. Searching online, Kayla Found Care Net’s national hotline and called.

The coach who answered the phone was kind and listened to all her concerns. She told her coach that she actually prayed to conceive her baby, but because of the heartbreaking situation she found herself in, she didn’t know if she could go through with it. She felt more conflicted than she’d ever felt in her life!

Her coach explained the abortion procedures and risks, and told her about the local pregnancy center near her where she could find needed material and spiritual support to keep her baby if she decided to do that. She quietly asked Kayla, “Are you going to let God turn this into a blessing, or are you going to keep writing your own story?”

After hanging up, Kayla’s coach brought her situation to Care Net’s team of intercessors and prayers started going up for this precious mother soon after.

Your Support Made a Life-Saving Difference!

Praise God! A week later when her coach called back, Kayla was eager to tell her that she had canceled her abortion appointment and had decided she’d have the baby. The Holy Spirit used the PDL coach to speak truth into Kayla’s life and helped her choose life. What a big God we have!

Your generous support continues to do miracles in the lives of so many women and men through Care Net’s national hotline, Pregnancy Decision Line! Thanks to your generosity, over 1 million babies have been saved, and many lives have surrendered to Christ. Thank You for ensuring that another life can be saved and another life moved closer to Jesus through your giving!