On February 18, 2021 history was made. After an almost seven-month journey, NASA’s Rover named Perseverance touched down on the surface of a far away planet many believed we’d never touch. Scientists will now use complex devices to examine the soil and the rock and to learn more about Mars’ geology and climate. Ultimately they seek signs of “alien” life””even at a microscopic level. We may soon know for sure if “Martians” have ever existed!
We’ve been searching for life on Mars since the mid-1970s, when NASA sent the Viking rover to orbit the planet, and tested the soil in search for signs of extant life””any organisms that live or could have lived on the planet. But they found nothing””determining that Mars was a dead planet. But now, with advanced technology scientists believe there may be more to learn. They’ve been explicitly tasked to look for evidence of life beyond earth.
After the Rover returns with the samples and data, scientists will carefully comb through particles and examine molecules looking for even the smallest signs of life. If they’re successful – the accomplishment will be great! With a discovery as tiny as a clump of cells, scientists and astrobiologists will cheer: “We have found life on Mars!”
A petri dish will be proudly labeled “life” and the discovery will be defended and protected by the government and many in the scientific community.
Yet more than 2,000 unborn babies will die in abortions today.
Isn’t this strange?
Science classify living things as “highly organized.” Living organisms are made up of one or more cells and, according to one biology book“”they all share several key characteristics or functions: they have order, the ability to respond to the environment, the ability to reproduce, adapt, grow, develop, the ability to process energy, evolve or reach homeostasis.
Plants are alive: they grow, change and adapt. As are all animals and insects. Think about how this works as soon as the sperm fertilizes the egg. Within 24 hours those few cells start multiplying, adapting, and evolving to create a tiny embryo with a heartbeat as early as 6 weeks after gestation. At week eight, the embryo is a fetus with developed facial features, ears, arms, legs, fingers and toes. By week 12, the fetus has fingernails and teeth forming under the gums, the baby’s circulatory system and urinary systems are also working.
If astrobiologists discovered a “cluster” of cells like this on Mars””would there be any confusion that they had found life? Would anyone say it should be destroyed?
The science has been clear for decades. There’s no confusion as to whether or not a baby in the womb is alive. For this reason, arguments in recent years have focused more on whether or not the baby in the womb is a “person” with rights. Centering the argument on”rights” instead of life allows them to avoid facing these scientific realities. As a result, they are indifferent to the ending of a life; if the discovery of “life” in the womb interrupts one’s livelihood, it’s okay to end it.
But the sad reality is, if any kind of life””as small as an amoeba””is discovered on Mars, it will be protected. Meanwhile millions of very alive human babies die unprotected each year. One doesn’t need to travel to Mars to discover the miracle of life, one need only look much closer to home to find precious lives worth protecting.