Family can be messy…especially when the pressure is high.

When Benita* called Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL), Care Net’s national hotline, she was feeling the pressure. Desiring to pursue her career, she was already at odds with her fiancé Carlos*, who wanted her to stay-at-home while he provided for their family. They had been arguing for weeks, but still couldn’t agree.

This was a red flag for Benita. If they couldn’t agree on how to handle things when their baby wasn’t born yet, she just had to wonder… What would it be like if they were married? This baby was making Benita rethink everything.

You Made a Life-Changing Phone Call Possible

As soon as Harleen* picked up the phone at PDL, she heard Benita’s anger as she shared that she was seriously thinking about ending her pregnancy. The PDL coach took a deep breath, knowing her next words could mean life or death. She gently reminded Beneta of the precious life growing inside her, and that both Benita and her baby’s lives mattered to God. After a bit of back and forth, Harleen gave her the address of a pregnancy center near their apartment. Before she ended their call, Harleen suggested Benita should try to have a heart-to-heart talk with Carlos after she’d had some time to think.

Harleen hung up from the call, but wasn’t sure if her conversation did any good. Knowing that the best place for the situation was in God’s hands, she shared her prayer request with Care Net’s team of intercessors and within minutes hundreds of prayer warriors were praying for Benita, her fiancé, and their baby.

A few weeks later Benita called the hotline back and asked for Harleen by name. Benita said she’d thought a lot about what Harleen had said since their last call. She and Carlos ended up visiting the pregnancy center and were surprised to learn about all the things they provide for parents in their situation, free of charge. On the way home, they started talking it over.

When they talked, Carlos surprised Benita. He said he would support her pursuit of her career.

Your Prayers Were Heard

Harleen praised God for His hand in resolving the tension between Benita and her fiancé and giving them the support they needed to choose life.

Thank you for giving Benita and Carlos the chance to receive compassion, hope, and help through the voice of Harleen and their local pregnancy center. Your support provided a chance to hear about realistic alternatives to abortion, share about the struggles they were facing, and connected them to the life-affirming support that was waiting for them in their own community. You helped them avoid the regret and hurt that would follow them for their whole lives… and, most importantly, you saved the life of their precious unborn baby! Not only that, but now that baby will have both the loving care of a mother and father, united in marriage. Thank you for being the hands and voice of Jesus for Benita, Carlos, and so many others.