“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:13-14

An initiative sponsored by the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention is using ultrasound technology to help protect life in all stages of development, especially in the womb. The Psalm 139 Project donates ultrasound machines to pregnancy centers across the United States, helping those organizations minister to vulnerable women.

Psalm 139 Project

In August, The Psalm 139 project placed ultrasound machines at The Center for Women in Brevard, North Carolina, and at The Life Choices Medical Center in Dyersville, Tennessee.

The Psalm 139 Project provides a way for motivated individuals to assist financially in the placement of ultrasound machines in qualified pregnancy care centers.

“There are many ways to be a champion for life, and one of them is providing a woman in an unplanned pregnancy a ‘window’ into the world of the child she is carrying,” the Psalm 139 Project website states.

Ultrasounds play a vital role in today’s pro-life movement. In Care Net’s free eBook, The Truth About Crisis Pregnancy Centers, one of the documents’ key statistics points to the availability of ultrasounds. From 2008 through 2020, Care Net associated pregnancy centers provided 1.5 million free ultrasounds to women.

Care Net internal statistics indicate that when women who are still in the process of making a pregnancy decision are offered the option to view their baby’s ultrasound image in a supportive pregnancy center environment, they are much more likely to continue their pregnancy. 

The ultrasound placement at The Center for Women, a Care Net-affiliated pregnancy center, was a cooperative effort between The Psalm 139 Project and N.C. Baptists, a network of churches.

At a ceremony on August 8, Meghan LaRose, executive director of The Center for Women, noted how the ultrasound unit is already having a positive impact on the center’s clients.

“We so appreciate you partnering with The Center for Women in providing services to the families of Transylvania County,” LaRose said. “We believe the Lord will use this machine to save many lives.”

Seth Brown, director of convention relations for the N.C. Baptists, is optimistic about how donors will continue to support placements in the future.

“Since N.C. Baptists began our partnership with Psalm 139, my prayer has been that it would be catalytic and encourage others to fund placements,” Brown said. “I couldn’t be more encouraged by how God is using these partnerships to save pre-born lives and support families in crisis.”

On Aug. 16, the donation of an ultrasound unit was celebrated at The Life Choices Medical Center with a Facebook post. This machine placement was made possible due to Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee and other Tennessee legislative leaders’ partnership with the Psalm 139 Project.

“The ERLC is privileged to partner with Life Choices Medical Clinic, Dyersburg, a center that educates, equips, and supports vulnerable expectant women,” a Facebook post stated. “We pray that this placement will facilitate continual growth for their ministry so that more lives can be saved and more women served.”