Mom Who Was Pro-Choice: ‘My Sweet Son Is Here Because of Pro-Life Laws’
Like Nicodemus, the religious leader who cautiously came to Jesus at night, Melissa Brooks visited a pregnancy resource center in secret to hear her baby’s heartbeat. She had always considered herself to be pro-choice, but started to have doubts about abortion when...
The Doctor Is In: The Deceptive Language of Miscarriage Versus Abortion
Abortion is a spiritual battle. Watch the newest episode of The Doctor Is In, as Roland Warren, President and CEO of Care Net, and Dr. William Lile, The ProLife Doc, board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist, discuss the dangers of the abortion pill, the need for...
Abortion Pill Reversal Saves Babies, But Some States Seek to Ban It
“Anne” drove to an abortion clinic in Florida, where she was administered the drug mifepristone, the first dose of the abortion pill regimen. On the drive home, however, she saw a billboard that said, “Baby has a heartbeat at 18 days.” Anne considered what was going...
‘A Victory for Life’ – Iowa Supreme Court Upholds Heartbeat Law
When Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed the fetal heartbeat bill into law she called it an “ironclad commitment” to the smallest and most vulnerable among us. “All life is precious and worthy of the protection of our laws,” she said. In June, the governor’s commitment...
Care Net TV: Dayna Holmes, Care Pregnancy Resource Center (Visalia and Tulare, CA)
"These are definitely unique times, even for California . . . " explains Dayna Holmes, Executive Director of Care Pregnancy Resource Center, with locations in Visalia, CA, and Tulare, CA. On this episode of Care Net TV, Roland Warren, President and CEO of Care Net,...
Pastor Faces Daughter’s Unplanned Pregnancy With Courage and Compassion
Dr. Heath Lambert, the senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, recently preached a message on The Prodigal Son. The heartfelt sermon from Luke 15, which focused on the father’s unconditional love towards the once wayward young man, was shared...
Living out the Great Commandment, Fulfilling the Great Commission
As Christians, we must align our lives to these two great tenets. Our pro-life work should therefore help us and the people we serve live out the Great Commandment (love God and love our neighbors as ourselves), so we can fulfill the Great Commission (make disciples of all the nations and teach them everything Christ has taught us).
Standing in the Gap
Angry and overwhelmed, Kayla* had an abortion already scheduled. With no idea how she could possibly handle a baby during such a difficult season in her life, abortion seemed like the only way forward.
The father of Kayla’s baby was not at all supportive of her pregnancy, and was pressuring Kayla to have an abortion. She couldn’t bear the thought of bringing a child into their broken relationship.
The Doctor Is In: Defending Life—Patienthood and Personhood in the Abortion Debate
Watch the newest episode of The Doctor Is In with Roland Warren, President and CEO of CareNet and Dr. William Lile, The ProLife Doc, board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist.Watch the Video: The Doctor Is In: Defending Life Patienthood and Personhood in the...
Saving a Life… Saving a Marriage
Family can be messy…especially when the pressure is high.
When Benita* called Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL), Care Net’s national hotline, she was feeling the pressure. Desiring to pursue her career, she was already at odds with her fiancé Carlos*, who wanted her to stay-at-home while he provided for their family. They had been arguing for weeks, but still couldn’t agree.