Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. —Genesis 2:24
Pro Abundant Life believes in building marriages. In the busyness of life, the foundation of a strong marriage can get lost. Yet, the wisdom of Genesis 2:24 reminds us of the sacred bond of marriage. It speaks to the profound unity when two individuals commit themselves to each other. As we delve into what it means to build strong marriages, reflect on this verse to see the beauty and strength found in marital unity.
The benefits of a strong marriage are clear. They include better physical health, emotional stability, and financial security. These benefits also serve as a testament to God’s design for relationships. A strong marriage is not just about a piece of paper; it’s about sacrifice and commitment between two people that point a watching world to God Himself.
John and Lisa were facing job loss and financial strain. They were at a crossroads. Instead of letting these trials drive them apart, they sought help and guidance. Through counseling at a pregnancy center, they learned communication techniques, discovered the importance of quality time together, and prioritized their relationship. In the middle of adversity, their love grew stronger, and their marriage flourished.
“Marriage, in its truest sense, is a partnership of equals, with neither exercising dominion over the other, but both seeking to serve and enrich each other’s lives. It is a profound mystery, reflecting the sacrificial love of Christ for His church,” wrote Tim Keller. Building a strong marriage involves intentional effort and investment. It takes communication. You take time to listen to each other’s thoughts and feelings.
Marriage takes quality time. You must schedule regular dates and activities you both enjoy. Invest in making memories together. Communication and time require prioritizing each other. This isn’t easy, and it may become more challenging as you have kids or get older. The science and art of marriage is about showing appreciation and support each and every day.
Reflect on the strength of your own marriage. How can you invest in building a stronger and more resilient relationship? Maybe you aren’t married. That doesn’t make marriage obsolete. How are you showing a healthy respect for the institution of marriage? This may mean, for those who aren’t married, simply not speaking negatively about marriage. Let Genesis 2:24 inspire and encourage you to nurture marriage, holding fast to the one you love as you journey together in faith and love.
Lord, thank You for the gift of marriage. Bless couples with Your grace as they navigate life’s challenges. Help them to build a foundation of respect and unwavering love.
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