Delia* was unmarried and pregnant. She had been in this situation before. The last time she saw the little “plus sign” on her pregnancy test, she chose to have an abortion.
This time, she desperately wanted to keep her baby.
But her boyfriend had other ideas. “I mean, you’ve had an abortion before. You can just have one again.” He told her to find an abortion clinic and make the appointment.
Without his support, abortion seemed like the only choice that Delia had. Doing as he asked, she went online to look up the nearest abortion clinic to get it over with. But when this mother saw an ad for Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL) right there on her screen, she decided to call and get more information about her options.
What Delia did not realize was that Jesus was ready and waiting for her to call.
The PDL coach listened as Delia explained what was going on, and she shared that her boyfriend was strongly encouraging an abortion. But it was clear that she was reluctant. Prompted by that hesitation, the coach asked Delia to describe her spiritual beliefs.
As the two talked, the coach introduced Delia to Jesus and gently explained how much He loved her. How He loved her so much that He’d come to die for her sins.
PDL coaches know that the Gospel has the power to transform an unplanned pregnancy into an encounter with God””not just saving an unborn life, but also making abundant life possible. This is why presenting the Gospel is not an afterthought in our work, but forms the foundation of our ministry to women and men considering abortion. Every phone call to the Pregnancy Decision Line becomes another opportunity for a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ.
These are the opportunities you make possible with your support.
As she listened, Delia knew she wanted a relationship with Him. It was a decision that couldn’t wait another day. So she prayed with the coach and gave her life to Christ.
After giving her life to Jesus, Delia decided she could not go through with the abortion. Her boyfriend insisted and said he would leave her if she did not abort their baby. Though she knew raising a child without his support would be difficult, she refused to back down. She had Jesus’ support and He would be enough.
She would not kill her baby. Her baby wouldn’t just have another day”¦ Her baby would have a whole LIFETIME to live and learn and be loved.
Delia began her day looking for information about abortion. Because of your compassionate support of the Pregnancy Decision Line, she was empowered to find a relationship with Jesus Christ, choose life for her baby, and begin living in the hope of abundant life with Him.
Thank you for helping us spread the Gospel and save lives””not just for this world, but for eternity!