AND abundant life in Christ for their family!
Marta* already had 3 children. But while she and her husband agreed their family was complete… God had a different plan. While taking a low dose of birth control, Marta was shocked to learn she was pregnant. Instead of the excitement she felt with her first three, this time all she felt was fear.
Adding to her worries, Marta had just started a new job and had health issues that could cause complications. With so many issues pulling them in every direction, Marta’s husband, Benito*, pushed her to consider abortion. Because Marta is a Christian and her faith was telling her to keep the baby, they were at a crossroads.
Marta felt lost and wanted to talk to someone about her concerns. She had heard of Care Net before from friends and decided to look them up. Marta called Pregnancy Decision Line, Care Net’s national hotline, and was welcomed by a sweet voice on the other line. She and her coach discussed her options and talked about what God would want for her and her baby. The coach helped locate the closest pregnancy center to Marta, and she decided to make an appointment with them to see what help they could offer. For the first time in a while, Marta’s fear started to diminish and made room for hope.
Marta’s appointment at the pregnancy center was wonderful! She saw her baby for the first time on an ultrasound and heard more about the material and spiritual resources the pregnancy center could provide.
During her visit, she continued to hear the Holy Spirit’s prompting to keep her baby. So that’s exactly what she decided to do! Marta’s hope was completely restored, and she started going to a high-risk OB to help her manage her health issues soon after. She and her husband found themselves very excited to meet their new baby.
Hope is so important in our daily lives. Without it, putting one foot in front of the other can feel impossible. Because of compassionate people like you, Marta’s hope was restored. Your care for parents like her and Benito tears down the walls of fear for so many people. Thank you for supporting Care Net and its hotline, where hope and faith in God saves lives!