As you may know, a central part of Care Net’s strategy is to mobilize the church to provide compassion, hope, and help to women and men at risk for choosing abortion.

Many solid Biblical reasons point to why this approach must be at the heart of Pro Abundant Life ministry. Over the last several months, God helped me focus our message on the two great pillars of our Christian faith, the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

As Christians, we must align our lives to these two great tenets. Our pro-life work should therefore help us and the people we serve live out the Great Commandment (love God and love our neighbors as ourselves), so we can fulfill the Great Commission (make disciples of all the nations and teach them everything Christ has taught us).

As Care Net has helped women and men choose life for their unborn babies and abundant life for their families, I realized we can’t live out those two pillars ourselves, nor help people we serve live them out, without the Church! Only this institution that Christ established on earth enables us to love God, love our neighbors as ourselves, and make disciples for Him.

By helping a woman choose life for her unborn baby, we help her do all those things! If her baby is made in the image of God and is her closest neighbor, she can’t express her love for God and neighbor by aborting her child. Neither can she teach that baby to be a disciple. The same is true for the men we serve.

Care Net’s Making Life Disciples program equips churches to provide compassion, hope, and help for women and men as they face unplanned pregnancies. With it churches can better help people live out the Great Commandment so that they can fulfill the Great Commission.

Learn how to bring Making Life Disciples to your church at I hope you’ll take this bigger step into Pro ABUNDANT Life ministry with us!