Kyle* called Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL) to get information on abortion after finding out his girlfriend, Connie*, was at the end of her first trimester.

Connie had already scheduled an abortion and he had concerns about her health. He also worried she might not be able to have children again. After the PDL Coach explained the various abortion procedures and potential risks, Kyle was sure he didn’t want Connie to have the abortion.

But he was also convinced that he had no right to say anything at all to Connie.  

When someone purchases a new computer, someone else may do all the research and guide the decision. Time and resources speaking only to the purchaser are limited. Businesses now use “influencer marketing” that recognizes key individuals (friends and family) are part of many purchasing decisions. 

Abortion decisions aren’t any different.

Much of pro-life “marketing dollars” seek out pregnant mothers to persuade them to choose life. And finding these women before they abort their unborn children and to save them from a possible life-long regret is good! But Care Net’s research revealed that 4 in 10 women indicate the father of the baby was most influential on their abortion decision. The next closest influencer was medical professionals at 26%.

On the call with Kyle, the PDL coach compassionately challenged Kyle’s thinking, explaining the possible impact of a supportive father in a mother’s decision. She also reminded him that this was his baby, too, and encouraged him to share his thoughts and feelings with Connie. The Coach also provided a referral to a local pregnancy center and mailed some informational brochures.

The next time the PDL Coach connected with Kyle, he shared that Connie had visited the pregnancy center and had CHOSEN LIFE.  

Because of your support, PDL could “influence the influencer” by providing Kyle with the information and encouragement he needed to engage with Connie about her choice and help save the life of their unborn child. Thank you!

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