In the last post we discussed some reasons why the state of your marriage is important to your children and your health. Today, let’s look at the broader implications of marriage. Did you know the state of your marriage matters to your community? And, if you’re committed to ending abortion, the state of your marriage also matters to the Pro Abundant Life movement. Here’s why.
3. The state of your marriage matters to your community.
The relationship between individuals, family units, and communities is complex. But research shows that strong marriages build strong communities. Divorce leaves people vulnerable to financial distress. And, financial distress takes a toll on neighborhoods, businesses, and ultimately the community.
As we discussed in the last post, divorce leaves children vulnerable across a number of measures as well. From educational outcomes to safety, to engaging in risky behaviors like early sex, drugs, and alcohol””it’s clear that children who are affected by divorce can also contribute to societal challenges communities may face.
Our communities are the sum of their parts. But no individual part can thrive without the help, support, and encouragement from those who surround them. Setting a tone for strong marriages requires someone to take the lead. Churches can offer programs and resources for couples in crisis. Consider starting one of these programs if it’s not available in your locale. Educate your local leaders on the important role strong marriages play in the health of the community.
4. The state of your marriage matters to the Pro-Abundant Life Movement.
Marriage was God’s idea””a perfect concept for the safest and healthiest situation in which to bring new life into this world. Unfortunately, as a culture, we’ve charted a course away from God’s design. Divorce rates are high, and the rate of couples that decide to delay or not marry, continues to rise.
Marriage has a clear link to one’s risk of abortion. The data clearly shows that abortion is most likely to occur outside of the context of marriage. In fact, 85% of abortions are among unmarried women. These women are, on average, less likely to have the emotional, relational, and financial support to raise a baby. In the context of marriage, many of these emotional, relational and financial issues dissipate.
Without strong marriages, the cycle of family instability and abortion continues. In fact, girls raised without their fathers in the home are seven times more likely to become pregnant as teens. Even if they choose life, they can perpetuate a cycle of father-absence, setting future generations at greater risk for unplanned pregnancy and abortion.
The state of our marriages matters to the pro-abundant life movement. And the assault on marriage matters more to the abortion issue than many recognize.
So what can you do to promote strong marriages? Watch for part three of this series.