If you met Celia*, she’d probably be the last person you’d expect to consider abortion. She’s a Christian, actively attends her local church, and believes that God has a plan for her life.

Yet, that’s exactly what happened when Celia found out she was pregnant. She loved the child growing inside her but couldn’t see bringing a baby into the world at that time or in that way. As she looked at her circumstances, she believed that abortion would be the kindest and most merciful decision for her child.

So, she went online looking for more information about abortion procedures. Thanks to your support, she saw an ad for Care Net’s Pregnancy Decision Line, the only national hotline that provides real-time information and life-saving support to women and men facing difficult pregnancy decisions. Because of you, a compassionate coach was waiting for her call.

Celia’s coach shared with her the medical risks of abortion, risks that include abortion regret. As Celia considered the information, she decided that abortion wasn’t what was best for her baby. She chose life and said that she would seek support from her church and her local pregnancy center.

Celia’s story is all too familiar. Care Net’s research into abortion found that two out of five women who have abortions were attending church once a month or more at the time of their first abortion. Roe v. Wade isn’t just a problem out there but one right here in our own churches.  It isn’t just a legal problem. It’s a discipleship problem.

Through your support, Care Net is mobilizing churches to train up life disciples in their congregations who are equipped to help mothers and fathers in their communities choose life. You ensure that our pregnancy centers are equipped with the latest resources and training. Your support makes it possible for women like Celia to find life-saving help in the nick of time and reconnect them to a body of Believers of at a life-affirming church.

Together, we can make abortion unthinkable and overturn Roe v. Wade not just in our courts, but in every church and in every pew.

Making Life Disciples Now Available as an interactive, online course!

Making Life Disciples is a ministry resource designed to equip the church to offer compassion, hope, help, and discipleship to women and men considering abortion.

Available for purchase at affordable rates for individuals or groups at https://www.carenetu.org

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