Fatherhood is an integral part of God’s design for family, yet it often remains overlooked in discussions about unplanned pregnancies and abortion. At Care Net, we recognize that supporting fathers is crucial to building strong, God-honoring families. This Father’s Day, we celebrate the significant role fathers play in promoting a culture of life through Care Net’s groundbreaking initiative.

We launched a transformative project with 20 pregnancy centers across the nation, aiming to enhance their ability to serve and empower men. The results were astounding, showing that when fathers are engaged and supported, the impact on families and unborn children is profound. In the newest CareCast episode, Roland Warren, President and CEO of Care Net, and Vincent DiCaro, Care Net’s Chief Outreach Officer, discuss the why, what, and how of empowering fathers. Join Roland and Vince as they explore the outcomes of this project and the vital role of fathers in fostering a culture of life in the newest CareCast episode.

Listen to the newest CareCast: Empowering Fathers for Abundant Life

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For this fatherhood project, Care Net worked with 20 pregnancy centers to enhance their ability to serve fathers, resulting in remarkable outcomes. If you believe as we do, that fatherhood is vital; and, we know from research that men are the most influential piece of the pregnancy decision, then how can we better serve and encourage men at pregnancy centers to be engaged and involved from the beginning of the pregnancy?

You’ll find in listening to the newest podcast, that this initiative aligns with Care Net’s mission to promote not just a pro-life stance, but a Pro Abundant Life approach. Here’s a glimpse into the project and its significance:

The What, Why, and How of Empowering Fathers

Find out more details when you listen to the CareCast. For now, you can find a few highlights of how Care Net is working to empower fathers.

1. The Why

  • Biblical foundation: “You don’t have God’s design for family without fathers”, says Roland Warren, President and CEO of Care Net. Care Net’s approach is deeply rooted in the biblical narrative. Just as God sent an angel to Joseph to support Mary and Jesus, Care Net encourages men to embrace their role in God’s design for the family.

2. The What

  • Impressive results: We worked with 20 pregnancy centers over a year. The project led to a 39% increase in the number of men served, with over 6,100 men receiving support. Additionally, there was a 45% increase in men present at pregnancy test appointments and a 125% increase in men attending ultrasound appointments. Roland and Vince discuss many more findings from this project. The point is these numbers highlight the crucial role fathers play in pregnancy decisions.

3. The How

  • Comprehensive support: The project provided centers with resources like “Welcoming Him” and the “Doctor Dad” program, equipping fathers with essential skills and knowledge. Additionally, the “Making Life Disciples” program helps integrate church support, ensuring ongoing spiritual and practical support for families facing pregnancy decisions.

Find more details about this impactful project and how Care Net is transforming lives by empowering fathers when you listen to the full CareCast episode. This week, this month, and going forward, join us in celebrating fatherhood and promoting a Pro Abundant Life approach.


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Here’s your full CareCast episode.

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