Last week, Newsmax released a list of the 100 most influential pro-life advocates. The list is a mix of politicians, organization leaders, and celebrities.  The top three pro-life advocates listed are the Rev. Franklin Graham, David Daleiden, and Sarah Palin. 

Newsmax stated, “Committed defenders of the right to life have never relented in their no-holds-barred struggle to end what they see as the systematic slaughter of innocent life. Like a tiny rudder that moves an entire ship, their tireless efforts have gradually begun to change society’s view on abortion. Each year, it seems, another state adopts legislation to protect the unborn.”

Roland Warren, Care Net CEO & President was ranked 18th overall on the list, and was one of the top organization heads. The article declared Care Net operates 1,160 pregnancy-care centers “” one of the largest such networks in the country. Its mission of providing compassion, help, and hope to pregnant women has been linked to more than 462,089 affirmative “life decisions,” according to its website.” 

Since joining Care Net in 2012, Roland Warren has helped broaden the vision of the pro-life movement to consider the importance of fathers in the life decision, and churches in providing needed support to women and men facing unplanned pregnancies.  

With the largest network of Christian pregnancy centers in the nation and the only hotline providing immediate pregnancy decision coaching (Pregnancy Decision Line), Care Net leads the pro-life movement in providing compassion, hope, and help to women and men considering abortion.  While pro-life leaders must continue to advocate for life-affirming laws, the daily work of pregnancy centers showing love to women and men in need that will ultimately change the culture of this nation.

Roland’s personal story and ability to get to the heart of issues has made him a powerful pro-life speaker. His latest Life Chat where he responds to yet another abortion clinic deception is a prime example.

In the coming year, Care Net will be releasing its church initiative and continuing to increase mechanisms to bring tangible help to women in need.