The Pro Abundant Life movement has achieved a truly magnificent milestone.

In the Impact Report for 2008-2022, Care Net recently announced that 1,010,931 babies have been saved through affiliated pregnancy centers in that time period.

Care Net Pregnancy Centers: 1 Million Lives Saved!

“Reaching this amazing milestone of 1 million lives saved is a testament to the heroic work being done every day by pregnancy centers across our country,” said Roland Warren, president and CEO of Care Net. “They are our nation’s unsung heroes, saving lives, building families, and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with millions of women and men. Care Net is praising God and celebrating these 1 million precious lives that have been saved through their work.”

Care Net has a network of over 1,200 affiliated pregnancy centers in all fifty states and Canada, comprising over 18,000 staff members and volunteers. At Care Net, we believe that all women have a right to factual pregnancy and parenting information presented in a caring and compassionate manner, regardless of the choice they will ultimately make. When women are empowered with compassion and support at Care Net affiliates, a majority of them, three out of four, choose life for their unborn children.

The recent Impact Report included other significant statistics, including how our pregnancy centers provided more than 3.8 million free pregnancy tests and 1.7 million free ultrasound scans. With the availability of 4-D technology, ultrasounds play a vital role in today’s pro-life movement. Since 2009, there has been a 17% increase in the percentage of Care Net centers providing free onsite ultrasounds to their clients.

Care Net affiliated centers minister care and compassion long after a child is born, supporting men and women with the resources and information they need to raise children in an environment where they can thrive. Since 2008, our centers have provided more than 1.5 million women and men with parenting support and education and more than two million with material resources like diapers, clothing, and new car seats.

Additionally, more than 2.1 million people heard the Gospel through the work of our pregnancy centers. This is at the heart of our Pro Abundant life movement. Being Pro Abundant life requires embracing and promoting marriage, encouraging responsible fatherhood, and consistently sharing the transformative message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

“Being Pro Abundant Life means providing compassion, hope, and help to those facing pregnancy decisions so they are empowered to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families,” Warren said.

As Care Net celebrates over 1 million lives saved from 2008 through 2022, we are also thankful for the support of donors who are making an incredible impact on life. With this vital support, Care Net reaches out to abortion-determined women and men with truth and hope, empowering many to choose life!

View Care Net’s Impact Report 2008-2022:

Care Net IMPACT REPORT_2008-2022 (1)