On this episode of Care Net TV, Care Net President and CEO Roland Warren talks with Deborah McGregor Caperton, President and CEO of Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Texas in Waco, TX.

Watch and learn more about what Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Texas is doing to serve families facing pregnancy decisions in Texas.  

Watch the interview: Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Texas (Video)

In this episode, Deborah shares what ministry has looked like over the last year amidst the changing legal landscape, and how her organization has stepped up to meet long-term care needs in their community, including a mobile material needs unit and a guest house for clients with immediate housing concerns to have a safe and welcoming place to land. Deborah’s background as an attorney has also uniquely positioned their team to meet some specific legal and logistical needs for their clients, which she shares in this interview as well. 
We enjoy connecting with Care Net-affiliated Executive Directors to hear more about their heart for their ministries, the innovative ideas they are implementing at their centers, and how we might partner together in Pro Abundant Life work going forward.

Watch this episode of Care Net TV to be inspired by how Care Net of Central Texas is serving families in their community – and be encouraged that you aren’t in this Pro Abundant Life work alone. We are grateful for you and for your serving on the front lines to show compassion, help, and hope for the women and men facing pregnancy decisions. 

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More about Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Texas (Waco, TX)