“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.” – Matthew 7:24-25
Leslie was the very first client at Pregnancy Care Center in Old Hickory, Tennessee. She was 18 and had just started college when she found out she was pregnant.
“I didn’t know what to expect, but once I found out how much they did for pregnant girls like me, I knew I could do this,” she said.
Two years later, Leslie and her husband Rodney were newly married and barely making ends meet when she found out they were pregnant again. Leslie came back to the pregnancy center and Rodney came with her. They chose life for their son and began taking parenting classes.
Rodney was so grateful for the help he received that he came back to the center to volunteer to lead fatherhood classes.
A few years later they were a stable family of four. They returned to the center to share their joy and celebrate the news that they were expecting their third child. Leslie also shared about how Pregnancy Care Center has helped revive her relationship with the Lord: “I learned that God will never leave me. The Lord has helped me and Rodney grow together as parents.”
Rodney agrees, “We know we are not alone because we have God with us. He gave his only Son to die on the cross for us. When you have a child you realize you will do anything for them, just like God loves us and would do anything for us. We love our children to the ends of the world.”
Leslie and Rodney grew in the knowledge and grace of God over the years and it made all the difference in their family. How has discipleship and a hunger to grow in the things of God impacted your life?
Lord, may young couples like Leslie and Rodney run to You and not away from You when faced with an unplanned pregnancy. May these choose life for their babies and put their trust in Jesus for their future.
Find encouragement like this post, along with many more days like it, when you download Care Net’s 365 Days of Pro Abundant Life devotional. This devotional is a daily invitation to grow in your faith, understand the sanctity of life from conception, and be inspired by Christ’s promises.