The Blog: Stories, News, and Analysis

Recent Blog Posts

The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

Prayer is not a substitute for action, but an action for which there is no substitute.
~ Unknown

Here at Care Net, one of our Core Values is Prayer and Fasting: “We value regular times of corporate prayer and fasting to express our dependence on God to accomplish our work (Ezra 8:21, James 5:16).”

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A Life-Saving Connection

A Life-Saving Connection

Parenthood comes with its share of challenges. Often joyful and overwhelming at the same time, parenthood is not for the faint at heart!

Lexi* knew this reality very well. She was already struggling to make ends meet with a baby and a toddler when she found out she was pregnant again.

She felt completely overwhelmed. Lexi had unpaid bills, was struggling to put food on the table, and had very limited support from the father of her other children.

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