Caroline* watched light snow falling through the dead trees on that cold November afternoon; the first sure signs that winter was on its way. It reminded her of how she was starting to show the first signs of change as the new life was forming inside her. Strange to think this made her feel more alone than ever. 

She sat down on the bench, letting out a long sigh and watching it become a long billow. Caroline knew God was real, and that her baby was a precious gift from Him. But Julian* didn’t see things that way. He didn’t want the baby, and was pressuring her to kill their baby.

It didn’t make sense.

He already had two other children from previous girlfriends; and she was ready to welcome them into her heart. Why couldn’t he open his heart to just one more; especially since it was her baby? The more she thought about it, the more it hurt. Tears dripped down her face.

Hours ago, when she was at her lowest, Caroline did some research about abortion online and found the number for a hotline called Pregnancy Decision Line. Confused and weary, she gave them a call and told her story. As she poured out her heart, she felt the person on the other end genuinely cared about her. As they talked, it was clear that the coach was on her side and would be there no matter what.

By the end of that call, Caroline knew she had options, but she still had to talk to Julian. Maybe that’s why she was here in this quiet little part of the park where she could think things through.

All across the country, women like Caroline face the reality of an unsupportive partner. Studies have shown that the biggest voice of influence in the decision to abort comes from the father of the child… and that pressure is often coupled with the threat of abandonment. But mothers like Caroline don’t have to face an uncertain future alone

Thanks to your generous giving, our national hotline can intervene for babies’ at risk of abortion by showing expectant mothers that people who care about them are waiting to walk with them every step of the way. Our hotline coaches offer a message of truth and hope, and often refer parents to a local pregnancy center where they will find support for their life decision. Our pregnancy centers have access to our network of life-affirming churches that are there to provide long-term care and discipleship for parents who are considering abortion or who have chosen life for their unborn children.  

Please join us in praying for mothers like Caroline to be filled with courage to stand up for life, and be filled with the peace that God will provide for them.

*names changed to protect client privacy