The two stories we published today show why it is critical to reach men in pregnancy decisions.
Call it “A Tale of Two Fathers.”
One father, Julian*, shows us why we need to encourage fathers to become positively involved in pregnancy decisions. Far too often mothers are pressured to abort by the fathers of their children.
The other father, Tim*, shows us how men can be such a positive force in helping women feel that there is hope, no matter how difficult their pregnancy may seem.
After all, we know from research that-according to women who have had abortions””the father of the child was the most influential factor in their decision. His lack of support is one of the most common reasons women choose abortion.
It can be easy to give up on men. They can be hard to reach. Their fears and struggles with unexpected pregnancies can make it seem as though nothing we do will dissuade them from abortion.
But too much is at stake. As I’ve often written in this column, the pregnancy center movement has dedicated itself for decades to the idea that no mother is too hard to reach, or beyond our Christ-centered love and support. We must believe the same about fathers.
That is why, over the last several years, Care Net has changed the way it approaches pregnancy decision coaching. It’s not just something for women, it’s something women and men receive. We even put it in our vision statement. But it’s not just words on a poster in our office. We have given legs to that vision. For example, a full-time Fatherhood and Family Program Manager on our staff helps our affiliated pregnancy centers to implement practical solutions to engage fathers.
We run training webinars and have a Facebook page dedicated to fathers in the pregnancy center world. We’ve also created resources (such as Before She Decides and Welcoming Him) that give pregnancy centers the tools they need to reach, encourage, and love fathers.
And most of all, we have you! Your dedication””your prayers, your financial gifts, and the part you play in the Pro Abundant Life movement””faces down abortion God’s way: by sharing the gospel, supporting women, helping men, and building God-honoring families. We are so glad to be in this fight with you!
Vision Statement:
Care Net envisions a culture where women and men faced with pregnancy decisions are transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and are empowered to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families.
*names changed to protect client privacy