You helped get Lexi right where she needed to be to choose LIFE

Parenthood comes with its share of challenges. Often joyful and overwhelming at the same time, parenthood is not for the faint at heart! 

Lexi* knew this reality very well. She was already struggling to make ends meet with a baby and a toddler when she found out she was pregnant again.

She felt completely overwhelmed. Lexi had unpaid bills, was struggling to put food on the table, and had very limited support from the father of her other children.  

Even though Lexi was a believer, abortion seemed like the only real option she had. She knew abortion was wrong, but how could she bring another baby into terrible circumstances like hers?  How was that fair to the new baby? Lexi felt like she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. Every time she thought about it, her stomach knotted up.

Realistic Alternatives to Abortion, Real Hope

Still uneasy about getting an abortion, Lexi searched online to see if there was anyone who could help. That’s when she found an ad for Care Net’s national hotline, Pregnancy Decision Line, and decided to call.  She had already heard of Care Net from a friend of hers, whose church supported a local affiliated pregnancy center.  

You Made a Life-Saving Conversation Possible

When she called, the coach she spoke with helped her feel relaxed enough to have some peace for the first time in a while.  Her coach helped her set up an appointment at her local pregnancy center for a free ultrasound.  

When Lexi saw her baby for the first time and heard the heartbeat at her appointment, she knew she couldn’t go through with an abortion.  

A few days later, Lexi reached out to her coach again again to tell her how amazing her experience at the pregnancy center had been and that she had decided to come back for parenting classes and the additional support they could offer her.

God’s ways are so awesome!  He uses a multitude of people like you to support organizations like Care Net, that provide the support that Lexi and other parents like her need through the hotline and local pregnancy centers, to help them choose life for their babies.

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