We have all heard the expression, “Follow the money,” and we’ve been told that it will help us figure out what motivates people to do various things. However, rarely do you hear this logic applied to the abortion industry, where abortion activists have shrouded their work in feel-good slogans about “choice” and “rights,” and lots and lots of pink. 

But new data from our network of pregnancy centers has provided a great reason for us to stop for a moment to apply this principle to Big Abortion. 

What we found is that our centers provided over $56 million in free services to their communities last year. That is $56 million dollars in medical, educational, emotional/social, and material support that 348,402 women and men did not have to pay for because of the love and compassion of over 1,100 pregnancy centers in Care Net’s network. 

This life-saving work was made possible by an army of over 30,000 caring volunteers and over 462,000 generous donors, in addition to the thousands of paid staff working at those 1,100+ centers.

Can I get an Amen!?

CareNet_Infographic_fb.jpgThis is amazing work — free ultrasounds, free baby clothes, free emotional/social support, free parenting classes, free STI testing — and it drives the abortion industry crazy. The majority of the hatred spewed at the pro-life movement is directed towards pregnancy centers. And now you know why. You have 56 million reasons why.

This is $56 million in revenue that is being taken directly from the bottom line of abortion profiteers who work in what they claim is a “morally neutral consumer product industry.” From their perspective, there is no reason for them not to “profit maximize.” Why wouldn’t they? So, when they see a competitor providing an alternative to their “product” for free, it drives them nuts. 

Our product is compassion, hope, and help. And we don’t charge for it.

If you consider that the average abortion costs $470, the $56,826,883 in revenue we are taking from them is the equivalent of 120,908 abortions. Considering there are about 1 million abortions performed each year in the United States, 120,000 is a significant dent in their business plan. 

And all of this work has resulted in over 462,000 lives being saved in our network since 2008, 73,000 in 2014 alone.

No wonder the abortion industry is so threatened by us.

So, as is our mission, we will continue to help anyone considering abortion by presenting them with realistic alternatives and Christ-centered support through our life-affirming network of pregnancy centers, organizations, and individuals. We will do this work to the tune of $56 million in community savings per year. And we will of course do it with the generous support of our donors and friends like you who make this work possible.