Care Net operates the Pregnancy Decision Line website and real-time call center, which provides caring, confidential, free support to anyone making choices about an unexpected pregnancy. Our coaches are available through a toll-free phone number or email. They answer women’s and men’s questions about pregnancy, emergency contraception, abortion, adoption, parenting and much more. Each day, God does amazing things through PDL. Read Sharon’s incredible story below.
Everyone told Sharon* she had no choice.
“If you have this baby, you could die.”
Years ago, Sharon fought a brain tumor that the doctor warned could return if she became pregnant. Sharon believed him . . . that’s why she was shocked when she found out she was expecting.
Sharon’s family wanted her to have an abortion. But Sharon wasn’t sure. She was already halfway through her pregnancy. Would an abortion make a difference now?
After calling Care Net’s Pregnancy Decision Line, Sharon decided to consult with her doctor further.
Good news! Today, Sharon is more than 6 months along . . . and she and her baby are perfectly healthy. Sharon says she is “relieved” that she CHOSE LIFE.
Thank you for your prayers and support that allows our Pregnancy Decision Line coach to be there for Sharon and others who need truth and hope.
*Name changed for privacy