KellyClarkson_AmericanIdol_PiecebyPiece_Fatherhood.pngThis year, American Idol is celebrating it’s final season. Last night in a throw back to the past, the first winner, Kelly Clarkson, sang her hit song Piece by Piece about the important role that fathers play in the lives of their children.

The song is powerful, and combined with the emotion of the moment, Kelly Clarkson was fighting back tears, Keith Urban was bawling, and the crowd was inspired.

Many Americans know the pain caused by absent fathers and the destruction wrought on children and communities when fathers are not involved, and this moment spoke to the core of this emotion. For Kelly, it was even more poignant as she is pregnant and looking forward to the birth of her first son.

Take a look and let us know your thoughts about this moment. 



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