The waiting is over. It’s finally here! Christmas morning. 

It’s a day children long for. After staring at packages under the tree, they can finally unwrap their gifts. Hope gives way to celebration. 

It’s hard to find a child who isn’t anxious to open their presents Christmas morning. Unfortunately, far too many parents don’t understand the gift they’ve received.

When a woman and man discover that they are facing an unplanned pregnancy, all too often they only see stress and uncertainty – not the gift that is growing in the womb. 

In the midst of turmoil, it’s hard to have faith in the unseen. To hope in what seems a mystery. 

It wasn’t any different for Mary and Joseph that first Christmas. They too were not planning on a pregnancy at that time and in that way… but God was. He dispatched the angel Gabriel with the message of hope and life they so desperately needed. 

Because of the angel, they saw Mary’s pregnancy for the gift that it was – the gift of Emmanuel, God with Us. 

That’s what pro ABUNDANT life friends of Care Net like you have done this past year. They’ve given parents the gift of hope and life. Because of their generosity, 70,000 more unborn children survived and are celebrating Christmas today. 

And they will celebrate it next year… and the next. 

Through their prayers and support, more than 100,000 moms and dads were empowered to see the gift their unborn children represented – a gift from God himself. 

That’s their Christmas gift to them. A present that will continue to be unwrapped every day in a myriad of ways as the lives they saved impact others for eternity. 

Would you like to join this growing network of Christmas heroes -Women and men who fearlessly obeyed God’s call to be a voice for the voiceless, to stand in the gap for the unborn, and to make Christmas a reality for thousands of children in the womb? 

Thanks to a matching challenge, your gift will will make twice the impact and save twice as many lives in 2019. But this opportunity ends New Year’s Eve. Use this secure link to make your matching gift today. 

Thank you. Thank you so very much for standing with us in this vital work. May God richly bless you and your family as you celebrate this holy day. 

Merry Christmas!