Katy* felt her heart pumping as she ended the call.

It took most of her strength to work up the courage to call the abortion clinic and make an appointment, and every bit of the rest of it to cancel. She thought she’d feel relieved after cancelling her abortion”¦ but she didn’t.

Katy knew all her sins were forgiven””even the ones that led to her pregnancy””but she still felt lost and confused. She’d just cancelled the abortion, but that didn’t make her problems go away. There was a little life growing inside her that, in a few months, would need looking after””and she knew she would need help.

Katy felt she needed a sign.

Reaching for her laptop, she searched for help online. Eventually, she came across something called Pregnancy Decision Line””a place promising a confidential place to talk about her unplanned pregnancy.

Working up her courage again, she dialed the number and shared her story with her coach. The coach gently told her she was brave for getting this far. Katy felt a strong connection with her coach and knew she had made the right decision to call. The coach said she had options outside of abortion, and should take her time to make the best decision for her and her baby.

She sat there on the bed after she hung up, watching the snowflakes outside her window. Katy still wasn’t sure what to do. She needed to think.

Will you join us today in praying for Katy, and desperate and scared women and men facing the same uncertainties?

When a mom rejects abortion and chooses life instead, the story doesn’t end there. The fears causing her to consider abortion don’t evaporate. Can she afford to raise her baby? Is she ready for the responsibility? How will this impact her future?

Because of your amazing generosity, Pregnancy Decision Line coaches are there to help mothers face those doubts one at a time. Care Net affiliated pregnancy centers are there to provide the compassion, hope, and help needed to give a mom who has chosen life the “life support” she needs to stick with it. Folks just like you trained for pro-life ministry through our Making Life Disciples curriculum ensure they have a community to surround them long after they leave the pregnancy center.

Thank you for giving mothers like Katy another choice.