We post at least two blog posts each week, sometimes more. So, it’s no small thing for a post to make the top three most popular posts of the year. This year was busy with lots of news, stories, and encouragement. In reviewing the traffic for this year, these are the top three most popular posts based on your views.

#1 LifeChat: The Four Arguments of Pro-Choice Christians (Full Video)

In this special Life Chat, Care Net’s president and CEO, Roland Warren, and Care Net’s Chief Outreach Officer, Vincent DiCaro, lay out four arguments about how the Bible makes a clear case for life.

In this episode, Roland and Vince discuss the biggest questions related to the four arguments of pro-choice Christians. Watch as they walk through the four questions many pro-choice Christians are asking.

#2 Embracing Fidelity Month by Exploring Pillar One: Knowing God

At least two types of people exist in this world. J.I. Packer called them “balconeers” and “travelers.” Imagine these two types of folks, one sits on the balcony overlooking the day-to-day decisions of others. Balconeers see problems as theoretical, as onlookers. Travelers walk below the balcony, down on the street, facing problems like which turn to take, and how to navigate well. Travelers must be practical.
Both types of people are necessary. Some individuals seem to possess balconeer and traveler skills. Princeton Professor Robert P. George and Southern Seminary Professor Andrew T. Walker can hold that difficult balance between theory and practice. They have each written on the need for rallying people to fidelity. Citing a recent survey about social media from The Wall Street Journal showing dramatic declines in the importance Americans attach to religion and family, George and Walker, among others, made June Fidelity Month, a month dedicated to the “importance of fidelity to God, spouses and families, our country, and our communities.”

#3 LifeChat: Study on Centers Shows Difference in Transactional Work and Transformational Ministry

Contraception, a peer-reviewed academic journal just released a new study finding that pro-life pregnancy centers offer better services than abortion clinics. As Roland Warren, President and CEO of Care Net, points out in this LifeChat, it’s interesting that this study was not reported in the mainstream press despite the fact that a lot has been said about “fake clinics” over the last few years. In this episode, Roland discusses the new study and reveals the difference between transactional work and transformational ministry.

#4 Bonus Post > CareCast: How Should We Address Abortion in Cases of Rape?

With abortion, our goal must always be to give the most amount of compassion to the most vulnerable. At any given time and situation, this may sound simple. But it is not easy. For example, how should we address the complex issue of abortion in cases of rape?

This isn’t an easy topic to discuss by any stretch. Which is why we decided to address it. CareCast is Care Net’s podcast on family, faith, and life with Roland Warren, President and CEO of Care Net, and Vincent DiCaro Care Net’s Chief Outreach Officer. Let’s listen to what Roland and Vince have to say on the newest CareCast as they discuss the issue in detail.