And You Helped Ensure She Got One

Charlotte had recently given birth to a beautiful baby boy when she found out she was pregnant again. Her 6-year-old daughter was already jealous of her two-month-old brother, throwing tantrums and sometimes even trying to hit him. She told Charlotte she didn’t want more siblings. Additionally, Charlotte and her husband were living paycheck to paycheck and didn’t know how they could possibly afford the expense of another baby. Charlotte felt like she was drowning with no one to throw her a life preserver! She thought abortion was the only way out. 

Thankfully, Charlotte still had some doubts. She knew the baby growing inside her was a life. She just didn’t know if she could go through with an abortion. Charlotte went online to see if she could find someone who could offer her some needed advice. Charlotte had heard about a hotline from some friends of hers at church. She went online, found the website for our national hotline, and decided to call.

Charlotte found hope because of you

When Charlotte dialed the number a wonderful hotline coach greeted her. Charlotte explained her situation: just had a baby only 2 months old, financially unstable, and overwhelmed with life in general. During the conversation, they prayed together, which gave Charlotte comfort she desperately needed. Towards the end of the conversation, Charlotte was still undecided. She agreed to schedule an ultrasound at the nearest pregnancy center, instead of going to an abortion clinic. Baby steps. Progress. 

A week went by with no word from Charlotte. Her coach decided to reach out to her and see how her ultrasound appointment went at the pregnancy center. The coach was flooded with such joy when she found out that Charlotte decided to keep her baby after her ultrasound. When Charlotte saw God’s precious creation on the screen, she said there was no other choice but to choose life. Praise God!

A picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, the picture on the ultrasound screen speaks one very important word: LIFE!  That is what your amazing generosity supports. Our hotline coaches and all of the Care Net staff thank you from the bottom of our hearts! God Is good!